由劉鐵成先生,JP,贊助,創意藝術院舉辦的創新企劃獎 (YCE) 是一年一度的初創比賽,目的讓參加者將創意轉化為可行的商業實踐方案。得獎單位可獲得高達港幣五萬元的種子基金。
日期: 26.04.2024 (五)
時間: 15:30-17:00
地點: BU Market - 九龍塘香港浸會大學賽馬會師生活動中心地下
講者: 創新企劃獎2016得奬者: 李穎儀 (梨木製陶所 共同創辦人)
創新企劃獎2016得奬者: 許俊傑 (梨木製陶所 共同創辦人)
AVA 校友: 謝樂筠 (爍凝工作室 創辦人)
主持人:秦萊茵 (香港浸會大學助理教授,創意藝術學院助理院長)
語言: 廣東話
查詢: Jolie Lee (3411-8213) / Sunday Lai (3411-8259)
李穎儀 (創新企劃獎2016得奬者,梨木製陶所 共同創辦人)
許俊傑(創新企劃獎2016得奬者,梨木製陶所 共同創辦人)
In 2019, she concluded her master’s degree in Glass Art and Science at VICARTE (Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes) in Portugal. She graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015. Art enables her to find self and lose self at the same time.
Her work aims to animate the interconnection of the environment and beings. She crafts and reforms objects into a contraption in order to generate an extraordinary dialogue. Through the intrinsic properties of glass, by modelling, molding, tweaking and cajoling, expanding and oppressing, she creates objects to experience the struggle and the tension between her inner self and the outer world.