無論您是參加種子資金比賽還是用自己資金開展新的創意企業,都必須撰寫全面的計劃書,包括目標設定(使命和願景;可實現的目標),時間框架、預算和最終審查等。在本次工作坊,我們將探討計劃書中必須考慮和包含的基本要素,以及從以往的YCE 獲獎者中獲得的寶貴的經驗分享,同時強調社會責任和永續發展的重要性。
ABSTRACT SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY由已故劉鐵成先生,JP,贊助,視覺藝術院舉辦的創新企劃獎 (YCE) 是一年一度的初創比賽,目的讓參加者將創意轉化為可行的商業實踐方案。
無論您是參加種子資金比賽還是用自己資金開展新的創意企業,都必須撰寫全面的計劃書,包括目標設定(使命和願景;可實現的目標),時間框架、預算和最終審查等。在本次工作坊,我們將探討計劃書中必須考慮和包含的基本要素,以及從以往的YCE 獲獎者中獲得的寶貴的經驗分享,同時強調社會責任和永續發展的重要性。
日期: 2024年4月12日(星期五)
時間: 15:30-17:00
地點: TriAngle - 九龍塘香港浸會大學逸夫校園 思齊樓3樓306 室
講者: 陳雅雯(2015年獲獎者,泥塵記共同創辦人)
鄭志堅(2015年得獎者,Okapi Studio創辦人)
盧劍雄(香港浸會大學校友,Okapi Studio商業顧問)
主持人: 伍韶勁 (香港浸會大學副教授,創意藝術學院藝術及科技文理學士課程總監)
語言: 廣東話
陳雅雯 – 生於香港藝術家,喜歡探索陶瓷黏土的界限及多樣性。她在香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院學習視覺藝術,並在香港中文大學攻讀視覺文化研究的研究生課程。2021年她於愛沙尼亞藝術學院的工藝與設計學系修畢陶瓷碩士學位。
2015年與伙伴 Gloria Lai 共同構思陶瓷品牌計劃,取得「啟德創新企劃獎」,組成「泥塵記」工作室並營運至今。她的藝術巧妙地融合了陶瓷、黏土、影像和環境,與觀眾立深厚的聯繫。她曾獲得應用藝術青年藝術家獎,並在愛沙尼亞的 HOP畫廊舉辦了她的首個個人展覽 - Somewhere but nowhere。作為泥塵記工作室的聯合創始人,她積極推動藝術表達的界限。
鄭志堅(2015年得獎者,Okapi Studio創辦人)
Max Cheng is a Visual Art graduate of the Hong Kong Baptist University. He creates art with the sense of smell, mostly using installation and mixed media as the medium. Cheng emphasizes on the value of object itself and uncovers creativities in daily life. He established okapi studio after graduation and collaborates with charities and different organisations to produce scent products, hold incense-making workshops, and organise local farm docent tours and exhibitions; through various activities, Max aims to promote the many faces of “incense culture” and the idea of “closing the loop” by making incense from natural ingredients and utilising incense ash as fertiliser.
Max is currently involved in multiple community projects that extend interactions and communications to selected neighbourhoods, encourages participants from different backgrounds to engage in arts in new ways and increase social impact and enhance social inclusion.
盧劍雄(香港浸會大學校友,Okapi Studio商業顧問)
Johnny Lo is a seasoned Career Coach at CLAP@JC, a cross-sectoral project owned by The Hong Kong Jockey Club and facilitated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. As the curriculum planner and main instructor of the first Advanced Certificate Programme in Career and Life Development Services in Hong Kong, he empowers youth work practitioners and career facilitators to nurture career adaptability and resilience of our young generation.
With profound expertise in career guidance and holistic development, Johnny relishes his role as trainer and mentor at various universities, taking pride in supporting students to realize their full potentials through employability training and advising services.
His corporate experience includes the establishment of two award-winning social enterprises, Aroma Office and Lin Heung House, with the funding support from the Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) and The Kadoorie Foundation (PCD). He also works as a freelance consultant, crafting corporate social responsibility programmes for clients such as Chloe, DBS Bank, Henderson Land Development and K11 Nature Discovery Park. Johnny also gained valuable experience on talent acquisition and development from his managerial role at InnoAcademy, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
Johnny holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, majoring in International Journalism, and a Master’s degree in Corporate Communication. He is also a trained facilitator in personality assessment and narrative practices.