无论您是参加种子资金比赛还是用自己资金开展新的创意企业,都必须撰写全面的计划书,包括目标设定(使命和愿景;可实现的目标),时间框架、预算和最终审查等。 在本次工作坊,我们将探讨计划书中必须考虑和包含的基本要素,以及从以往的YCE 获奖者中获得的宝贵的经验分享,同时强调社会责任和永续发展的重要性。
ABSTRACT SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY陈雅雯女士(2015年获奖者,泥尘记共同创办人)
Max Cheng is a Visual Art graduate of the Hong Kong Baptist University. He creates art with the sense of smell, mostly using installation and mixed media as the medium. Cheng emphasizes on the value of object itself and uncovers creativities in daily life. He established okapi studio after graduation and collaborates with charities and different organisations to produce scent products, hold incense-making workshops, and organise local farm docent tours and exhibitions; through various activities, Max aims to promote the many faces of “incense culture” and the idea of “closing the loop” by making incense from natural ingredients and utilising incense ash as fertiliser.
Max is currently involved in multiple community projects that extend interactions and communications to selected neighbourhoods, encourages participants from different backgrounds to engage in arts in new ways and increase social impact and enhance social inclusion.
卢剑雄(香港浸会大学校友,Okapi Studio商业顾问)
Johnny Lo is a seasoned Career Coach at CLAP@JC, a cross-sectoral project owned by The Hong Kong Jockey Club and facilitated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. As the curriculum planner and main instructor of the first Advanced Certificate Programme in Career and Life Development Services in Hong Kong, he empowers youth work practitioners and career facilitators to nurture career adaptability and resilience of our young generation.
With profound expertise in career guidance and holistic development, Johnny relishes his role as trainer and mentor at various universities, taking pride in supporting students to realize their full potentials through employability training and advising services.
His corporate experience includes the establishment of two award-winning social enterprises, Aroma Office and Lin Heung House, with the funding support from the Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) and The Kadoorie Foundation (PCD). He also works as a freelance consultant, crafting corporate social responsibility programmes for clients such as Chloe, DBS Bank, Henderson Land Development and K11 Nature Discovery Park. Johnny also gained valuable experience on talent acquisition and development from his managerial role at InnoAcademy, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
Johnny holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, majoring in International Journalism, and a Master’s degree in Corporate Communication. He is also a trained facilitator in personality assessment and narrative practices.