Art and design professionals operate at the interface between different political, social, economic and cultural contexts. The semester programme in Transcultural Collaboration responds to this professional need.
Art and design professionals operate at the interface between different political, social, economic and cultural contexts. The semester programme in Transcultural Collaboration responds to this professional need.
30 MA and BA students from eight higher arts institutions in Asia and Europe will spend four intensive months cooperating in cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary teams on transcultural issues and questions. The programme this year is divided in three parts: Zurich (4 weeks), Taipei (11 weeks), and a two-week field trip to Singapore. The semester includes a symposium in Singapore and a public presentation in Taipei.
Curious, (self-)critical and adventurous students are invited to apply for the 7th edition of the programme (23 Aug–2 Dec 2022).
1) Letter of motivation (1-2 pages, in English)
2) CV & Portfolio of creative works (≤10 pages)
3) Interview
Please send your application documents to Kingsley Ng,
30 April 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions for entry into Taiwan might still be in place in autumn.
In that case, the following two alternatives will be taken into consideration:
1) Zurich + Singapore + field trip to Malaysia
2) Athens + Istanbul