Art value and its phenomena under glocalisation
In the 1980s French contemporary artist Ben (Ben Vautier) said, ‘the next art movement is to assume its own language, culture and ethnicity’. Ben believes cultural ‘differences’ cannot be ignored in the age of globalised art, wherein the ‘differences’ become current value. American anthropologists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf stated, ‘every language has its own unique logic and cultural values, people who use the language will be deeply influenced by the values and be dominated by it’.
What types of new values and meanings are created by the globalised art phenomena, international style of ‘glocalisation’ and localities of ‘logloblisation’?
A survey of contemporary new media art
Contemporary art shows unlimited imagination. From the end of modernism to the postmodern era, art was freed from the restraints of the avant-garde. Contemporary art bridges traditional approaches and modernity in the sphere of globalisation. Through interdisciplinary practice, it becomes more diversified and open to all possibilities. Diversified concepts lead to a wider range of art media and disciplines. In particular, today’s diverse forms of digital recordings and moving images, as well as audio and sound systems, are translated into understandable spaces and objects, while expressing social and individual values. A refreshing new universe of imagination and sensations has opened up.