[AVA CCL Talk Series] A matter of choice, a matter of taking the action - sharing by the founders of RMM / AWW magazine
In the CCL talk, Amber Fu and Raymond Lee will share their journey along the way, from initiating and making happen of RMM and AWW, their perspective, vision and how they position the magazines in the market. As well as their new adventure; setting up their creative headquarters in a foreign country, working with and reaching out to more international creative individuals.
[AVA CCL Talk Series] A matter of choice, a matter of taking the action - sharing by the founders of RMM / AWW magazine ABOUT THE SPEAKER LANGUAGE NOTES TO HKBU STUDENTS
Passionate and admirers of art and design, Amber Fu and Raymond Lee first started RMM alongside their designing work and projects in 2005. They were eager to make a magazine to not only display creative individual’s work, but also a platform that embraces the life, stories, inspirations and experience of the creative individuals. In 2018, they have started AWW, an illustration magazine that connects illustrators and their audience with our all-time interest in common – animals! Started from Hong Kong and relocated to London in 2019. In the CCL talk, they will share their journey along the way, from initiating and making happen of RMM and AWW, their perspective, vision and how they position the magazines in the market. As well as their new adventure; setting up their creative headquarters in a foreign country, working with and reaching out to more international creative individuals.
Amber Fu and Raymond Lee
Amber Fu and Raymond Lee are founders of Art and Design magazine, RMM (Ready-made magazine) and recently founded Illustration magazine AWW.
The talk is CCL accredited for HKBU students. An evaluation form will be e-mailed to the participated students after the talk. Please note that the CCL unit will only be given to those students who have registered the event and submitted with a completed evaluation form by 29 Oct 2021 (Fri) and using the HKBU email address.