In this year's graduation show, thirty-two participating students made a concerted effort to explore the different forms of eggs. Through self-doubt, they used their artwork to refine their observations, earnestly transforming their ordinary lives, as common as an egg, into a source of creativity. Even a simple oval is not simple.
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Si⁶daan⁶(是但)in Cantonese is often used to mean "whatever", it could also be further understood as a statues of uncertainty.
If there is an egg in front of you, some may simply sketch an oval with a stroke, while others may depict the light and shadows on the oval. The father of geometry, Euclid, studied the beauty of precise and complex geometric structures, followed by Robert Dickson's precise analysis of the egg's shape. From then on, a symmetrical oval-shaped egg is formed by stacking eight circular arcs.
In the process of learning and creating, we always encounter different ways of drawing eggs, leading to self-doubt in the decision-making process – yes, but – but, yes – hovering on the ellipse.
In this year's graduation show, thirty-two participating students made a concerted effort to explore the different forms of eggs. Through self-doubt, they used their artwork to refine their observations, earnestly transforming their ordinary lives, as common as an egg, into a source of creativity. Even a simple oval is not simple.